class ASF::SVN
Provide access to files stored in Subversion, generally to local working copies that are updated via cronjobs.
Note: svn paths passed to various find methods are resolved relative to
if they are not full URIs.
Should agree with modules/whimsy_server/files/subversion-config-www in Puppet
path to
in the source. - VALID_KEYS
These keys are common to svn_ and svn
Public Class Methods
# File lib/whimsy/asf/svn.rb, line 79 def self.[](name) self.find!(name) end
find a local directory corresponding to a path in Subversion. Throws an exception if not found.
# File lib/whimsy/asf/svn.rb, line 73 def self.[]=(name, path) @testdata[name] = File.expand_path(path) end
set a local directory corresponding to a path in Subversion. Useful as a test data override.
# File lib/whimsy/asf/svn.rb, line 1144 def self._all_repo_entries self.repos # refresh @@repository_entries @@repository_entries[:svn] end
Get all the SVN
entries Includes those that are present as aliases only Not intended for external use
# File lib/whimsy/asf/svn.rb, line 471 def self._parse_commits(src) out = [] state = 0 linect = ent = msg = nil # ensure visibility src.split(%r{\R}).each do |l| case state when 0 # start of block, should be delim if l == DELIM state = 1 ent = {} else raise "Unexpected line: '#{l}'" end when 1 # header line revision, author, date, lines = l.split(' | ') ent = {revision: revision, author: author, date: date} if lines =~ %r{^(\d+) lines?} # There are some log lines linect = $1.to_i + 3 # Allow for delim, header and blank line msg = [] # collect the log message lines here state += 1 # get ready to collect log lines else # no log lines provided, we are done out << ent state = 0 end else # collecting log lines state += 1 msg << l if state > 3 # skip the blank line if state == linect # we have read all the lines ent[:msg] = msg.join("\n") out << ent state = 0 end end end out end
parse commit log (non-xml) Return: Array of hash entries with keys: :revision, :author, :date, :msg The :msg entry will be missing if the quiet log option was used Note: parsing XML output proved somewhat slower
# File lib/whimsy/asf/svn.rb, line 329 def self._svn_build_cmd(command, path, options) bad_keys = options.keys - VALID_KEYS if bad_keys.size > 0 raise "Following options not recognised: #{bad_keys.inspect}" end if command.is_a? String # TODO convert to ArgumentError after further testing Wunderbar.error "command #{command.inspect} is invalid" unless command =~ %r{^[a-z]+$} else if command.is_a? Array command.each do |cmd| raise "command #{cmd.inspect} must be a String" unless cmd.is_a? String end Wunderbar.error "command #{command.first.inspect} is invalid" unless command.first =~ %r{^[a-z]+$} command.drop(1).each do |cmd| # Allow --option, -lnumber or -x Wunderbar.error "Invalid option #{cmd.inspect}" unless cmd =~ %r{^(--[a-z][a-z=]+|-l\d+|-[a-z])$} end else raise 'command must be a String or an Array of Strings' end end # build svn command cmd = ['svn', *command, '--non-interactive'] stdin = nil # for use with -password-from-stdin msg = options[:msg] cmd += ['--message', msg] if msg depth = options[:depth] cmd += ['--depth', depth] if depth cmd << '--quiet' if options[:quiet] cmd << '--xml' if options[:xml] item = options[:item] cmd += ['--show-item', item] if item revision = options[:revision] cmd += ['--revision', revision] if revision # add credentials if required env = options[:env] if env password = env.password user = env.user else password = options[:password] user = options[:user] end if user == 'whimsysvn' cmd[0] = 'whimsysvn' # need wrapper for SVN proxy role end unless options[:dryrun] # don't add auth for dryrun # password was supplied, add credentials if password cmd << ['--username', user, '--no-auth-cache'] stdin = password cmd << ['--password-from-stdin'] end end cmd << '--' # ensure paths cannot be mistaken for options if path.is_a? Array cmd += path else cmd << path end return cmd, stdin end
common routine to build SVN
command line returns [cmd, stdin] where stdin is the data for stdin (if any)
# File lib/whimsy/asf/svn.rb, line 892 def self.create_(directory, filename, data, msg, env, _, options={}) parentrev, err = self.getInfoItem(directory, 'revision', env.user, env.password) unless parentrev throw"Failed to get revision for #{directory}: #{err}") end target = File.join(directory, filename) return 1 if self.exist?(target, parentrev, env) # options not relevant here rc = nil Dir.mktmpdir do |tmpdir| if data.instance_of? Tempfile source = data else source ='create_source', tmpdir) File.write(source, data, encoding: Encoding::BINARY) end commands = [['put', source.path, target]] # Add mimetype if known mimetype = MIMETYPES[File.extname(filename)] if mimetype commands << ['propset', 'svn:mime-type', mimetype, target] end # Detect file created in parallel. This generates the error message: # svnmucc: E160020: File already exists: <snip> path 'xxx' rc = self.svnmucc_(commands, msg, env, _, parentrev, options.merge({tmpdir: tmpdir})) unless rc == 0 error =['transcript'][1] rescue '' unless error =~ %r{^svnmucc: E160020: File already exists:} throw"Unexpected error creating file: #{error}") end end end rc end
create a new file and fail if it already exists sets the mimetype if the extension is present in the MIMETYPES
hash Parameters:
directory - parent directory as an SVN URL filename - name of file to create data - content of file: can be a text string, or a Tempfile msg - commit message env - user/pass _ - wunderbar context
dryrun: passed to svnmucc_
Returns: 0 on success 1 if the file exists IOError on unexpected error
# File lib/whimsy/asf/svn.rb, line 857 def self.exist?(path, revision, env, options={}) out, err = self.svn('list', path, options.merge({env: env, revision: revision})) return true if out && (not err) # TODO link to where these codes are documented if err =~ %r{^svn: warning: W160013: .*(not found|non-existent)} return false end throw"Could not check if #{path} exists: #{err}") end
DRAFT Check if an svn path exists (at the specified revision) Parameters:
path - the svn uri (http, svn or file) env - user/pass options - passed to ASF::SVN.svn('list')
Returns: true if the file exists false if the file does not exist IOError on unexpected error
# File lib/whimsy/asf/svn.rb, line 163 def self.find(name) return @testdata[name] if @testdata[name] result = repos[(@mock + name.sub('private/', '')).to_s.sub(/\/*$/, '')] || repos[(@base + name).to_s.sub(/\/*$/, '')] # lose trailing slash # if name is a simple identifier (may contain '-'), try to match name in repository.yml if not result and name =~ /^[\w-]+$/ entry = repo_entry(name) result = find((@base + entry['url']).to_s) if entry end # recursively try parent directory if not result and name.include? '/' base = File.basename(name) parent = find(File.dirname(name)) if parent and File.exist?(File.join(parent, base)) result = File.join(parent, base) end end result end
find a local directory corresponding to a path in Subversion. Returns nil
if not found. Excludes aliases
# File lib/whimsy/asf/svn.rb, line 189 def self.find!(name) result = self.find(name) unless result entry = repo_entry(name) if entry raise'Unable to find svn checkout for ' + "#{@base + entry['url']} (#{name})") else raise"Unable to find svn checkout for #{name}") end end result end
find a local directory corresponding to a path in Subversion. Throws an exception if not found.
# File lib/whimsy/asf/svn.rb, line 608 def self.get(path, user=nil, password=nil) revision, _ = self.getInfoItem(path, 'revision', {user: user, password: password}) if revision content, _ = self.svn('cat', path, {user: user, password: password}) else revision = '0' content = nil end return revision, content end
retrieve revision, content for a file in svn N.B. There is a window between fetching the revision and getting the file contents
# File lib/whimsy/asf/svn.rb, line 221 def self.getInfo(path, user=nil, password=nil) return self.svn('info', path, {user: user, password: password}) end
retrieve info, [err] for a path in svn output looks like:
Path: /srv/svn/steve Working Copy Root Path: /srv/svn/steve URL: Relative URL: ^/steve/trunk Repository Root: Repository UUID: 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68 Revision: 1870481 Node Kind: directory Schedule: normal Depth: empty Last Changed Author: somebody Last Changed Rev: 1862550 Last Changed Date: 2019-07-04 13:21:36 +0100 (Thu, 04 Jul 2019)
# File lib/whimsy/asf/svn.rb, line 243 def self.getInfoAsHash(path, user=nil, password=nil) out, err = getInfo(path, user, password) if out Hash[(out.scan(%r{([^:]+): (.+)[\r\n]+}))] else return out, err end end
svn info details as a Hash @return hash or [nil, error message] Sample: {
"Path"=>"/srv/svn/steve", "Working Copy Root Path"=>"/srv/svn/steve", "URL"=>"", "Relative URL"=>"^/steve/trunk", "Repository Root"=>"", "Repository UUID"=>"13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68", "Revision"=>"1870481", "Node Kind"=>"directory", "Schedule"=>"normal", "Depth"=>"empty", "Last Changed Author"=>"somebody", "Last Changed Rev"=>"1862550", "Last Changed Date"=>"2019-07-04 13:21:36 +0100 (Thu, 04 Jul 2019)"
# File lib/whimsy/asf/svn.rb, line 273 def self.getInfoItem(path, item, user=nil, password=nil) out, err = self.svn('info', path, {item: item, user: user, password: password}) if out if item.end_with? 'revision' # svn version 1.9.3 appends trailing spaces to *revision items return out.chomp.rstrip else return out.chomp end else return nil, err end end
retrieve a single info item, [err] for a path in svn requires SVN
1.9+ item must be one of the following:
'kind' node kind of TARGET 'url' URL of TARGET in the repository 'relative-url' repository-relative URL of TARGET 'repos-root-url' root URL of repository 'repos-uuid' UUID of repository 'revision' specified or implied revision 'last-changed-revision' last change of TARGET at or before 'revision' 'last-changed-date' date of 'last-changed-revision' 'last-changed-author' author of 'last-changed-revision' 'wc-root' root of TARGET's working copy
Note: Path, Schedule and Depth are not currently supported
# File lib/whimsy/asf/svn.rb, line 596 def self.getRevision(path, user=nil, password=nil) out, err = getInfo(path, user, password) if out # extract revision number return out[/^Revision: (\d+)/, 1] else return out, err end end
retrieve revision, [err] for a path in svn
# File lib/whimsy/asf/svn.rb, line 1087 def self.getlisting(name, tag=nil, trimSlash = true, getEpoch = false, dir = nil) listfile, _ = self.listingNames(name, dir) curtag = '%s:%s:%d' % [trimSlash, getEpoch, File.mtime(listfile)] if curtag == tag return curtag, nil else open(listfile) do |l| # fetch the file revision from the first line filerev = l.gets.chomp # TODO should we be checking filerev? if filerev.start_with?(EPOCH_TAG) if getEpoch trimEpoch = -> x { x.split(EPOCH_SEP, 2) } # return as array else trimEpoch = -> x { x.split(EPOCH_SEP, 2)[1] } # strip the epoch end else trimEpoch = nil end if trimSlash list = {|x| x.chomp.chomp('/')} else list = end list = if trimEpoch return curtag, list end end end
get listing if it has changed @param
name: alias for
checkout -
tag: previous tag to check for changes, default nil
trimSlash: whether to trim trailing ‘/’, default true
getEpoch: whether to return the epoch if present, default false
@return tag, Array of names or tag, nil if unchanged or Exception if error The tag should be regarded as opaque
# File lib/whimsy/asf/svn.rb, line 289 def self.list(path, user=nil, password=nil, timestamp=false) if timestamp return self.svn(['list', '--xml'], path, {user: user, password: password}) else return self.svn('list', path, {user: user, password: password}) end end
retrieve list, [err] for a path in svn If timestamp is true, format is xml, else format is a single string with line-breaks
# File lib/whimsy/asf/svn.rb, line 1131 def self.listingNames(name, dir = nil) if dir throw"Invalid directory #{dir}") unless Dir.exist? dir else dir = self.svn_parent end return File.join(dir, '%s.txt' % name), File.join(dir, '%s.tmp' % name) end
get listing names for updating and returning SVN
directory listings Returns:
- listing-name, temporary name
# File lib/whimsy/asf/svn.rb, line 301 def self.listnames(path, user=nil, password=nil, timestamp=false) list = err = nil if timestamp xmlstring, err = self.svn(['list', '--xml'], path, {user: user, password: password}) if xmlstring list = [] require 'nokogiri' xml_doc = Nokogiri::XML(xmlstring) xml_doc.css('entry').each do |entry| kind = entry.attr('kind') date = entry.css('date').text name = entry.css('name').text name += '/' if kind == 'dir' list << [name, date, Time.parse(date).strftime('%s').to_i] end end else textstring, err = self.svn('list', path, {user: user, password: password}) list = textstring.split(%r{\R}) if textstring end [list, err] end
retrieve array of names for a path in svn directories are suffixed with ‘/’ If the timestamp is requested, the name is followed by the timestamp in text and in seconds since epoch Returns [array of names, nil] or [nil, err]
# File lib/whimsy/asf/svn.rb, line 951 def self.multiUpdate_(path, msg, env, _, options = {}) tmpdir = options[:tmpdir] || Dir.mktmpdir if File.file? path basename = File.basename(path) parentdir = File.dirname(path) parenturl = ASF::SVN.getInfoItem(parentdir, 'url') else uri = URI.parse(path) # allow file: and svn URIs for local testing if %w(http https file svn).include? uri.scheme basename = File.basename(uri.path) parentdir = File.dirname(uri.path) uri.path = parentdir parenturl = uri.to_s else raise"Path '#{path}' must be a file or URL") end end outputfile = File.join(tmpdir, basename) begin # create an empty checkout rc = self.svn_('checkout', [parenturl, tmpdir], _, {depth: 'empty', env: env}) raise "svn failure #{rc} checkout #{parenturl}" unless rc == 0 # checkout the file rc = self.svn_('update', outputfile, _, {env: env}) raise "svn failure #{rc} update #{outputfile}" unless rc == 0 # N.B. the revision is required for the svnmucc put to prevent overriding a previous update # this is why the file is checked out rather than just extracted filerev = ASF::SVN.getInfoItem(outputfile, 'revision', env.user, env.password) # is auth needed here? fileurl = ASF::SVN.getInfoItem(outputfile, 'url', env.user, env.password) # get the new file contents and any extra svn commands contents, extra = yield # update the file File.write outputfile, contents # build the svnmucc commands cmds = [] cmds << ['put', outputfile, fileurl] extra.each do |cmd| cmds << cmd end # Now commit everything if options[:dryrun] puts cmds # TODO: not sure this is correct for Wunderbar else rc = ASF::SVN.svnmucc_(cmds, msg, env, _, filerev, {tmpdir: tmpdir, verbose: options[:verbose]}) raise "svnmucc failure #{rc} committing" unless rc == 0 rc end ensure FileUtils.rm_rf tmpdir unless options[:tmpdir] end end
DRAFT DRAFT DRAFT checkout file and update it using svnmucc put the block can return additional info, which is used to generate extra commands to pass to svnmucc which are included in the same commit The extra parameter is an array of commands These must themselves be arrays to ensure correct processing of white-space Parameters:
path - file path or SVN URL (http(s): or file: or svn:) message - commit message env - for username and password _ - Wunderbar context options: :dryrun - don't do the update :verbose - show what will be done :tmpdir - use this temporary directory (and don't remove it)
For example:
ASF::SVN.multiUpdate_(path, message, env, _) do |text| out = '...' extra = [] url1 = 'https://svn.../' # etc extra << ['mv', url1, url2] extra << ['rm', url3] [out, extra] end
# File lib/whimsy/asf/svn.rb, line 114 def self.private_public prv = [] pub = [] self.repo_entries().each do |name, entry| if entry['url'].start_with? 'asf/' pub << name else prv << name end end return prv, pub end
get private and public repo names Excludes aliases @return [[‘private1’, ‘privrepo2’, …], [‘public1’, ‘pubrepo2’, …]
# File lib/whimsy/asf/svn.rb, line 88 def self.repo_entries(includeAll=false) if includeAll self._all_repo_entries else self._all_repo_entries.reject {|_k, v| v['depth'] == 'skip' or v['depth'] == 'delete'} end end
Get the SVN
repo entries corresponding to local checkouts Excludes depth=delete and depth=skip Optionally return all entries @params includeAll if should return all entries, default false
# File lib/whimsy/asf/svn.rb, line 98 def self.repo_entry(name) self.repo_entries[name] end
fetch a repository entry by name Excludes those that are present as aliases only
# File lib/whimsy/asf/svn.rb, line 103 def self.repo_entry!(name) entry = self.repo_entry(name) unless entry raise"Unable to find repository entry for #{name}") end entry end
fetch a repository entry by name - abort if not found
# File lib/whimsy/asf/svn.rb, line 37 def self.repos @semaphore.synchronize do svn = Array(ASF::Config.get(:svn)) # reload if repository changes if File.exist?(REPOSITORY) && @@repository_mtime != File.mtime(REPOSITORY) @repos = nil end # reuse previous results if already scanned unless @repos @@repository_mtime = File.exist?(REPOSITORY) && File.mtime(REPOSITORY) @@repository_entries = YAML.load_file(REPOSITORY) repo_override = ASF::Config.get(:repository) if repo_override svn_over = repo_override[:svn] if svn_over Wunderbar.warn('Found override for repository.yml[:svn]') @@repository_entries[:svn].merge!(svn_over) end end @repos = Hash[Dir[*svn].map { |name| if Dir.exist? name out, _ = self.getInfoItem(name, 'url') [out, name] if out end }.compact] end @repos end end
a hash of local working copies of Subversion repositories. Keys are subversion paths; values are file paths.
# File lib/whimsy/asf/svn.rb, line 425 def self.svn(command, path, options = {}) raise 'command must not be nil' unless command raise 'path must not be nil' unless path # Deal with svn-only opts chdir = options.delete(:chdir) open_opts = {} open_opts[:chdir] = chdir if chdir cmd, stdin = self._svn_build_cmd(command, path, options) cmd.flatten! open_opts[:stdin_data] = stdin if stdin p cmd if options[:verbose] return [cmd] if options[:dryrun] # issue svn command out, err, status = Open3.capture3(*cmd, open_opts) # Note: svn status exits with status 0 even if the target directory is missing or not a checkout if status.success? if out == '' and err != '' and %w(status stat st).include? command return nil, err else return out end else return nil, err end end
low level SVN
command params: command - info, list etc Can be array, e.g. [‘list’, ‘–xml’] path - the path(s) to be used - String or Array of Strings options - hash of:
:msg - ['--message', value] :depth - ['--depth', value] :env - environment: source for user and password :user, :password - used if env is not present :quiet - if true, apply the --quiet option :item - [--show-item, value] :revision - [--revision, value] :verbose - show command on stdout :dryrun - return command array as [cmd] without executing it (excludes auth) :chdir - change directory for system call
nil, err
- cmd
if :dryrun
May raise ArgumentError
# File lib/whimsy/asf/svn.rb, line 459 def self.svn!(command, path, options = {}) out, err = self.svn(command, path, options = options) raise"SVN command failed: #{err}") if out.nil? return out, err end
as for self.svn, but failure raises an error
# File lib/whimsy/asf/svn.rb, line 548 def self.svn_(command, path, _, options = {}) raise 'command must not be nil' unless command raise 'path must not be nil' unless path raise 'wunderbar (_) must not be nil' unless _ # Pick off the options specific to svn_ rather than svn sysopts = options.delete(:sysopts) || {} auth = options.delete(:auth) if auth # override any other auth %i[env user password].each do |k| options.delete(k) end # convert auth for use by _svn_build_cmd auth.flatten.each_slice(2) do |a, b| options[:user] = b if a == '--username' options[:password] = b if a == '--password' end end cmd, stdin = self._svn_build_cmd(command, path, options) sysopts[:stdin] = stdin if stdin # This ensures the output is captured in the response _.system ['echo', [cmd, sysopts].inspect] if options[:verbose] # includes auth if options[:dryrun] # excludes auth return _.system cmd.insert(0, 'echo') end # N.B. Version 1.3.3 requires separate hashes for JsonBuilder and BuilderClass, # see if _.instance_of?(Wunderbar::JsonBuilder) or _.instance_of?(Wunderbar::TextBuilder) _.system cmd, sysopts, sysopts # needs two hashes else _.system cmd, sysopts end end
low level SVN
command for use in Wunderbar
context (_json, _text etc) params: command - info, list etc Can be array, e.g. [‘list’, ‘–xml’] path - the path(s) to be used - String or Array of Strings _ - wunderbar context options - hash of:
:msg - ['--message', value] :depth - ['--depth', value] :quiet - if true, apply the --quiet option :item - [--show-item, value] :revision - [--revision, value] :auth - authentication (as [['--username', etc]]) :env - environment: source for user and password :user, :password - used if env is not present :verbose - show command (including credentials) before executing it :dryrun - show command (excluding credentials), without executing it :sysopts - options for BuilderClass#system, e.g. :stdin, :echo, :hilite - options for JsonBuilder#system, e.g. :transcript, :prefix
status code
May raise ArgumentError
# File lib/whimsy/asf/svn.rb, line 589 def self.svn_!(command, path, _, options = {}) rc = self.svn_(command, path, _, options = options) raise"exit code: #{rc}\n#{!}") if rc != 0 rc end
As for self.svn_, but failures cause a RuntimeError
# File lib/whimsy/asf/svn.rb, line 512 def self.svn_commits(path, before, after, options = {}) out, err = ASF::SVN.svn('log', path, options.merge({revision: "#{before}:#{after}"})) out = _parse_commits(out) if out return out, err end
get list of commits from initial to current, and parses the output Returns: [out, err], where:
out = array of entries, each of which is a hash err = error message (in which case out is nil)
# File lib/whimsy/asf/svn.rb, line 519 def self.svn_commits!(path, before, after, options = {}) out, err = self.svn_commits(path, before, after, options = options) raise"SVN command failed: #{err}") if out.nil? return out, err end
as for self.svn_commits, but failure raises an error
# File lib/whimsy/asf/svn.rb, line 1119 def self.svn_parent svn = ASF::Config.get(:svn) if svn.instance_of? String and svn.end_with? '/*' File.dirname(svn) else File.join(ASF::Config.root, 'svn') end end
Calculate svn parent directory allowing for overrides
# File lib/whimsy/asf/svn.rb, line 777 def self.svnmucc_(commands, msg, env, _, revision, options={}) raise 'commands must be an array' unless commands.is_a? Array raise 'msg must not be nil' unless msg raise 'env must not be nil' unless env raise '_ must not be nil' unless _ bad_keys = options.keys - %i[dryrun verbose tmpdir root] if bad_keys.size > 0 raise "Following options not recognised: #{bad_keys.inspect}" end temp = options[:tmpdir] tmpdir = temp ? temp : Dir.mktmpdir rc = -1 # in case begin cmdfile ='svnmucc_input', tmpdir) # add the commands commands.each do |cmd| raise 'command entries must be an array' unless cmd.is_a? Array cmd.each do |arg| cmdfile.puts(arg) end cmdfile.puts('') end cmdfile.rewind cmdfile.close syscmd = ['svnmucc', '--non-interactive', '--extra-args', cmdfile.path, '--message', msg, '--no-auth-cache', ] if revision syscmd << '--revision' syscmd << revision end root = options[:root] if root syscmd << '--root-url' syscmd << root end sysopts = {} if env syscmd << ['--username', env.user, '--password-from-stdin'] sysopts[:stdin] = env.password end if options[:verbose] _.system 'echo', [syscmd.flatten, "\n", commands.join("\n")] end if options[:dryrun] rc = _.system syscmd.insert(0, 'echo') else if _.instance_of?(Wunderbar::JsonBuilder) or _.instance_of?(Wunderbar::TextBuilder) rc = _.system syscmd, sysopts, sysopts # needs two hashes else rc = _.system syscmd, sysopts end end ensure File.delete cmdfile.path # always drop the command file FileUtils.rm_rf tmpdir unless temp end rc end
DRAFT DRAFT DRAFT Low-level interface to svnmucc, intended for use with wunderbar Parameters:
commands - array of commands msg - commit message env - environment (username/password) _ - Wunderbar context revision - the --revision svnmucc parameter (unless nil) options - hash: :tmpdir - use this temporary directory (and don't remove it) :verbose - if true, show command details :dryrun - if true, don't execute command, but show it instead :root - interpret all action URLs relative to the specified root
The commands must themselves be arrays to ensure correct processing of white-space For example:
commands = [] url1 = 'https://svn.../' # etc commands << ['mv', url1, url2] commands << ['rm', url3] ASF::SVN.svnmucc_(commands, message, env, _, revision)
# File lib/whimsy/asf/svn.rb, line 153 def self.svnpath!(name, *relpath) base = self.svnurl!(name) base += '/' unless base.end_with? '/' endpart = [relpath].join('/').sub(%r{^/+}, '').gsub(%r{/+}, '/') return base + endpart end
Construct a repository URL by name and relative path - abort if name is not found Includes aliases assumes that the relative paths are cumulative, unlike URI.merge name - the nickname for the URL relpath - the relative path(s) to the file
# File lib/whimsy/asf/svn.rb, line 129 def self.svnurl(name) entry = self._all_repo_entries[name] or return nil url = entry['url'] unless url # bad entry raise"Unable to find url attribute for SVN entry #{name}") end return (@base + url).to_s end
fetch a repository URL by name Includes aliases
# File lib/whimsy/asf/svn.rb, line 140 def self.svnurl!(name) entry = self.svnurl(name) unless entry raise"Unable to find url for #{name}") end entry end
fetch a repository URL by name - abort if not found Includes aliases
# File lib/whimsy/asf/svn.rb, line 684 def self.update(path, msg, env, _, options={}) if path dir = path basename = nil else dir = File.dirname(path) basename = File.basename(path) end rc = 0 Dir.mktmpdir do |tmpdir| # create an empty checkout self.svn_('checkout', [self.getInfoItem(dir, 'url'), tmpdir], _, {depth: 'empty', env: env}) # retrieve the file to be updated (may not exist) if basename tmpfile = File.join(tmpdir, basename) self.svn_('update', tmpfile, _, {env: env}) else tmpfile = nil end # determine the new contents if not tmpfile # updating a directory previous_contents = contents = nil yield tmpdir, '' elsif File.file? tmpfile # updating an existing file previous_contents = contents = yield tmpdir, else # updating a new file previous_contents = nil contents = yield tmpdir, '' previous_contents = if File.file? tmpfile end # create/update the temporary copy if contents and not contents.empty? File.write tmpfile, contents unless previous_contents self.svn_('add', tmpfile, _, {env: env}) # TODO is auth needed here? end elsif tmpfile and File.file? tmpfile File.unlink tmpfile self.svn_('delete', tmpfile, _, {env: env}) # TODO is auth needed here? end if options[:dryrun] # show what would have been committed rc = self.svn_('diff', tmpfile || tmpdir, _) return rc # No point checking for pending changes end self.svn_('diff', tmpfile || tmpdir, _) if options[:diff] # commit the changes rc = self.svn_('commit', tmpfile || tmpdir, _, {msg: msg, env: env}) # fail if there are pending changes out, _err = self.svn('status', tmpfile || tmpdir) # Need to use svn rather than svn_ here unless rc == 0 && out && out.empty? raise "svn failure #{rc} #{path.inspect} #{out}" end end rc # return last status end
update a file or directory in SVN
, working entirely in a temporary directory Intended for use from GUI code Must be used with a block, which is passed the temporary directory name and the current file contents (may be empty string) The block must return the updated file contents
Parameters: path - the path to be used, directory or single file msg - commit message env - environment (queried for user and password) _ - wunderbar context options - hash of:
:dryrun - show command (excluding credentials), without executing it :diff - show diff before committing
# File lib/whimsy/asf/svn.rb, line 636 def self.updateCI(msg, env, options={}) # Allow override for testing ciURL = options[:url] || self.svnurl('board') Dir.mktmpdir do |tmpdir| # use dup to make testing easier user = env.user.dup pass = env.password.dup # checkout committers/board (this does not have many files currently) out, err = self.svn('checkout', [ciURL, tmpdir], {quiet: true, depth: 'files', user: user, password: pass}) raise"Checkout of board folder failed: #{err}") unless out # read in committee-info.txt file = File.join(tmpdir, 'committee-info.txt') info = info = yield info # get the updates the contents # write updated file to disk File.write(file, info) # commit the updated file out, err = self.svn('commit', [file, tmpdir], {quiet: true, msg: msg, user: user, password: pass}) raise"Update of committee-info.txt failed: #{err}") unless out end end
Specialised code for updating CI Updates cache if SVN
commit succeeds user and password are required because the default URL is private
# File lib/whimsy/asf/svn.rb, line 623 def self.updateSimple(path) stdout, _ = self.svn('update', path) revision = 0 if stdout # extract revision number revision = stdout[/^At revision (\d+)/, 1] end revision end
Updates a working copy, and returns revision number
Note: working copies updated out via cron jobs can only be accessed read only by processes that run under the Apache web server.
# File lib/whimsy/asf/svn.rb, line 1020 def self.updatelisting(name, user=nil, password=nil, storedates=false, dir = nil) url = self.svnurl(name) unless url return nil, "Cannot find URL for '#{name}'" end listfile, listfiletmp = self.listingNames(name, dir) filerev = '0' svnrev = '?' filedates = false begin open(listfile) do |l| filerev = l.gets.chomp if filerev.start_with? EPOCH_TAG # drop the marker filerev = filerev[EPOCH_LEN..-1] filedates = true end end rescue end svnrev, err = self.getInfoItem(url, 'last-changed-revision', user, password) if svnrev begin unless filerev == svnrev && filedates == storedates list = self.list(url, user, password, storedates) if storedates require 'nokogiri' require 'time' open(listfiletmp, 'w') do |w| w.puts "#{EPOCH_TAG}#{svnrev}" # show that this file has epochs xml_doc = Nokogiri::XML(list) xml_doc.css('entry').each do |entry| kind = entry.css('@kind').text name = entry.at_css('name').text date = entry.at_css('date').text epoch = Time.parse(date).strftime('%s') # The separator is the last character of the epoch tag w.puts "%s#{EPOCH_SEP}%s%s" % [epoch, name, kind == 'dir' ? '/' : ''] end end else open(listfiletmp, 'w') do |w| w.puts svnrev w.puts list end end File.rename(listfiletmp, listfile) end rescue Exception => e return nil, e.inspect end else return nil, err end return filerev, svnrev end
update directory listing in /srv/svn/<name>.txt N.B. The listing includes the trailing ‘/’ so directory names can be distinguished @return filerev, svnrev on error return nil, message