class Object
Public Instance Methods
# File lib/whimsy/sitewebsite.rb, line 219 def display_application(path, sites, analysis, checks, tlp = true) if path =~ %r{/project/(.+)} # Display a single project if sites[$1] display_project($1, sites[$1], analysis, checks, tlp) else display_error(path) end elsif path =~ %r{/check/(.+)} # Display a single check if checks[$1] display_check($1, sites, analysis, checks, tlp) else display_error(path) end else display_overview(sites, analysis, checks, tlp) end end
Display our application’s data - handles / and project/id|check/id paths
# File lib/whimsy/sitewebsite.rb, line 85 def display_check(col, sites, analysis, checks, tlp = true) _whimsy_panel_table( title: "Site Check Of Type - #{col.capitalize}", helpblock: -> { _a href: '../', aria_label: 'Home to site checker' do _span.glyphicon.glyphicon_home :aria_hidden end _span.glyphicon.glyphicon_menu_right if checks.keys.include? col if checks[col][SiteStandards::CHECK_TYPE] _ 'Check Results URL expected to match regular expression: ' _code checks[col][SiteStandards::CHECK_VALIDATE].source else _ 'Check Results Text of a link expected to match regular expression: ' _code checks[col][SiteStandards::CHECK_TEXT].source end if checks.include? col _br _a checks[col][SiteStandards::CHECK_DOC], href: checks[col][SiteStandards::CHECK_POLICY] end _li.small ' Click column badges to sort' else _span.text_danger %{WARNING: the site checker may not understand type: #{col}, results may not be complete/available.} end } ) do _table.table.table_condensed.table_striped do _thead do _tr do _th! tlp ? 'Project' : 'Podling', data_sort: 'string-ins' _th! data_sort: 'string' do _ 'Check Results' _br analysis[0][col].each do |cls, val| _ ' ' _span.label val, class: cls end end end end _tbody do sites.each do |n, links| _tr do _td do _a links['display_name'], href: "../project/#{n}" end if links[col] =~ /^https?:/ _td class: SiteStandards.label(analysis, links, col, n) do _a links[col], href: links[col] end else _td links[col], class: SiteStandards.label(analysis, links, col, n) end end end end end end end
Display data for a single check across all projects/podlings @param col id of check to display @param sites site data for all projects @param analysis complete scan data @param checks complete set of checks performed @param tlp true if project (default); podling otherwise
# File lib/whimsy/sitewebsite.rb, line 203 def display_error(path) _whimsy_panel_table( title: 'ERROR - bad url provided', helpblock: -> { _a href: '../', aria_label: 'Home to site checker' do _span.glyphicon.glyphicon_home :aria_hidden end _span.glyphicon.glyphicon_menu_right _span.text_danger "ERROR: The path #{path} is not a recognized command for this tool, sorry! " } ) do _a.bold 'ERROR - please try again.', href: '../' end end
Display an error page if a suburl we’re given isn’t supported
# File lib/whimsy/sitewebsite.rb, line 151 def display_overview(sites, analysis, checks, tlp = true) _whimsy_panel_table( title: "Site Check - All #{tlp ? 'Project' : 'Podling'} Results", helpblock: -> { _ul.list_inline do _li.small 'Data key: ' analysis[1].each do |cls, desc| _li.label desc, class: cls end _li.small ' Click column badges to sort' end } ) do _table.table.table_condensed.table_striped do _thead do _tr do _th! tlp ? 'Project' : 'Podling', data_sort: 'string-ins' checks.each_key do |col| _th! data_sort: 'string' do _a col.capitalize, href: "check/#{col}" _br analysis[0][col].each do |cls, val| _ ' ' _span.label val, class: cls end end end end end sort_order = { SiteStandards::SITE_PASS => 1, SiteStandards::SITE_WARN => 2, SiteStandards::SITE_FAIL => 3 } _tbody do sites.each do |n, links| _tr do _td do _a links['display_name'], href: "project/#{n}" end checks.each_key do |c| cls = SiteStandards.label(analysis, links, c, n) _td '', class: cls, data_sort_value: sort_order[cls] end end end end end end end
Display an overview of all checks/sites @param sites site data for all projects @param analysis complete scan data @param checks complete set of checks performed @param tlp true if project (default); podling otherwise
# File lib/whimsy/sitewebsite.rb, line 13 def display_project(project, links, analysis, checks, tlp = true) _whimsy_panel_table( title: "Site Check For #{tlp ? 'Project' : 'Podling'} - #{links['display_name']}", helpblock: -> { _a href: '../', aria_label: 'Home to site checker' do _span.glyphicon.glyphicon_home :aria_hidden end _span.glyphicon.glyphicon_menu_right _ "Results for #{tlp ? 'Project' : 'Podling'} " _a links['display_name'], href: links['uri'] _ '. ' unless tlp _ %{Reminder: Incubation is the process of becoming an Apache project - podlings are not required to meet these checks until graduation. See } _a "this project's incubation status.", href: "{project}" end _br _ 'Check Results column is the actual text or URL found on the homepage for this check (when applicable).' } ) do _table.table.table_striped do _thead do _tr do _th! 'Check Type' _th! 'Check Results' _th! 'Check Description' end end _tbody do checks.each_key do |col| cls = SiteStandards.label(analysis, links, col, project) _tr do _td do _a col.capitalize, href: "../check/#{col}" end if links[col] =~ /^https?:/ _td class: cls do _a links[col], href: links[col] end else _td links[col], class: cls end _td do if cls != SiteStandards::SITE_PASS if checks.keys.include? col if checks[col][SiteStandards::CHECK_TYPE] _ 'URL expected to match regular expression: ' _code checks[col][SiteStandards::CHECK_VALIDATE].source else _ 'Text of a link expected to match regular expression: ' _code checks[col][SiteStandards::CHECK_TEXT].source end _br _a checks[col][SiteStandards::CHECK_DOC], href: checks[col][SiteStandards::CHECK_POLICY] else _ '' end end end end end end end end end
Display data for a single project’s checks @param project id of project @param links site data for that specific project @param columns list of check types to report on @param analysis complete scan data @param tlp true if project (default); podling otherwise