module ASF::MLIST
Private archivers
Standard external archivers (necessarily public)
archivers - ARCH_MBOX_RST
TODO alias archivers: either add list or use RE to filter them
If this file exists, it is the time when the data was last extracted The mods and subs files are only updated if they have changed
Public Class Methods
# File lib/whimsy/asf/mlist.rb, line 314 def self.archiver_type(email, dom, list) case email when ARCH_MBOX_PUB then return [:MBOX, 'public'] when ARCH_MBOX_PRV then return [:MBOX, 'private'] when ARCH_MBOX_RST then return [:MBOX, 'restricted'] when ARCH_PONY_PUB then return [:PONY, 'public'] when ARCH_PONY_PRV then return [:PONY, 'private'] when ARCH_EXT_MAIL_ARCHIVE then return [:MAIL_ARCH, 'public'] # normal archiver routed via .qmail-[tlp-]list-archive when "#{list}-archive@#{dom}" then return [:MINO, 'alias'] # Direct mail to minotaur when "apmail-#{dom.split('.').first}-#{list}" then return [:MINO, 'direct'] # Unexpected archiver email for # INFRA-21658 when "#{list.chomp('.deprecated')}-archive@#{dom}" then return [:MINO, 'alias'] else return [:MARKMAIL, 'public'] if is_markmail_archiver?(email) # Whimsy currently only 'archives' private lists return [:WHIMSY, 'private'] if is_whimsy_archiver?(email) end raise "Unexpected archiver email #{email} for #{list}@#{dom}" # Should not happen? end
return the archiver type as array: [:MBOX|:PONY|:MINO|:MAIL_ARCH|:MARKMAIL|:WHIMSY, ‘public’|‘private’|‘alias’|‘direct’] minotaur archiver names do not include any public/private indication
# File lib/whimsy/asf/mlist.rb, line 30 def self.board_subscribers(archivers=true) return list_filter('sub', '', 'board', archivers), File.mtime(LIST_TIME) end
Return an array of board subscribers followed by the file update time
# File lib/whimsy/asf/mlist.rb, line 122 def self.digests(emails, response = {}) response[:digests] = [] response[:digtime] = File.mtime(LIST_TIME) emailslc = {|email| ASF::Mail.to_canonical(email.downcase)} list_parse('dig') do |dom, list, subs| subs.each do |sub| if emailslc.include? ASF::Mail.to_canonical(sub.downcase) response[:digests] << ["#{list}@#{dom}", sub] end end end response end
return a hash of digest subscriptions for the list of emails provided the following keys are added to the response hash: :digtime - the timestamp when the data was last updated :digests - an array of pairs: [list name, subscriber email] N.B. not the same format as the moderates() method
# File lib/whimsy/asf/mlist.rb, line 272 def self.domain_lists(project, show_all) lists = {} list_types(show_all) do |dom, list, type| if matches_list?(project, dom, list) lists["#{list}@#{dom}"] = type end end lists end
return a hash of lists for a project, together with privacy setting tlp - the prefix for the full domain This is a replacement for ASF::Mail.lists
# File lib/whimsy/asf/mlist.rb, line 362 def self.downcase(array) end
# File lib/whimsy/asf/mlist.rb, line 283 def self.each_list Find.find(LIST_CACHE) do |path| parts = path.split('/') if parts[-1] == 'sub' yield [parts[-3], parts[-2]] end end end
return the [domain, list] for all entries in the subscriber listings the subscribers are not included
# File lib/whimsy/asf/mlist.rb, line 366 def self.isRecent(file) return File.exist?(file) && ( - File.mtime(file)) < 60 * 60 * 5 end
# File lib/whimsy/asf/mlist.rb, line 352 def self.is_archiver?(e) ARCHIVERS.include?(e) or is_mino_archiver?(e) or is_whimsy_archiver?(e) or is_markmail_archiver?(e) end
# File lib/whimsy/asf/mlist.rb, line 348 def self.is_markmail_archiver?(e) e =~ ARCH_EXT_MARKMAIL_RE end
Is the email a markmail archiver?
# File lib/whimsy/asf/mlist.rb, line 338 def self.is_mino_archiver?(e) e =~ /.-archive@([^.]+\.)?(apache\.org|apachecon\.com)$/ end
Is the email a minotaur archiver?
# File lib/whimsy/asf/mlist.rb, line 356 def self.is_private_archiver?(e) [ARCH_MBOX_PRV, ARCH_PONY_PRV].include?(e) or e =~ /^security-archive@.*\.apache\.org$/ or e =~ /^apmail-\ # direct subscription end
# File lib/whimsy/asf/mlist.rb, line 343 def self.is_whimsy_archiver?(e) e =~ /@whimsy[-\da-z]*\.apache\.org$/ end
Is the email a Whimsy archiver?
# File lib/whimsy/asf/mlist.rb, line 249 def self.list_archivers list_parse('sub') do |dom, list, subs| yield [dom, list, {|s| is_archiver? s}.map {|m| [m, archiver_type(m, dom, list)].flatten}] end end
# File lib/whimsy/asf/mlist.rb, line 378 def self.list_filter(type, matchdom, matchlist, archivers=true) list = File.join(LIST_CACHE, matchdom, matchlist, type) if File.exist? list if archivers return"\n") else return"\n").reject {|e| is_archiver?(e)} end end return nil end
Filter the appropriate list, matching on domain and list Params:
type: ‘mod’ or ‘sub’ or ‘digest’ or ‘allow’
matchdom: must match the domain (e.g. ‘’)
matchlist: must match the list (e.g. ‘dev’)
archivers: whether to include standard
archivers (default true)
The email addresses are returned as an array. May be empty. If there is no match, then nil is returned
# File lib/whimsy/asf/mlist.rb, line 172 def self.list_moderators(mail_domain) moderators = {} list_parse('mod') do |dom, list, subs| # drop infra test lists next if list =~ /^infra-[a-z]$/ next if dom == '' && list =~ /^infra-dev2?$/ # does the list match our target? next unless mail_domain.nil? or matches_list?(mail_domain, dom, list) moderators["#{list}@#{dom}"] = subs.sort end return moderators.to_h, File.mtime(LIST_TIME) end
for a mail domain, extract related lists and their moderators also returns the time when the data was last checked returns: [{dev@a.o=>[email1, email2]}, mod-time] if mail_domain is nil, matches all lists except infra test lists
# File lib/whimsy/asf/mlist.rb, line 396 def self.list_parse(type, &block) case type when 'dig' type = 'digest' when 'sub', 'mod' # pass else raise'type: expecting dig, mod or sub') end ctime = @@file_times[type] || 0 mtime = File.mtime(LIST_TIME).to_i if mtime <= ctime cached = @@file_parsed[type] if cached begin cached.each do |d, l, m| d, l, m # these are already frozen end return rescue WeakRef::RefError @@file_times[type] = 0 end end else @@file_parsed[type] = nil end cache = [] # see if this preserves mod cache Find.find(LIST_CACHE) do |path| parts = path.split('/') if parts[-1] == type dom = parts[-3].downcase.freeze list = parts[-2].downcase.freeze begin # During mail migration links are used - allow for broken ones mails ="\n") cache << [dom, list, mails] yield [dom, list, mails] rescue StandardError => e Wunderbar.warn e end end end @@file_parsed[type] = @@file_times[type] = mtime nil # don't return file contents end
Scans the cache files Param: type = ‘mod’ or ‘sub’ or ‘dig’ Yields:
domain (e.g. [xxx.]
list (e.g. dev)
emails as an array
# File lib/whimsy/asf/mlist.rb, line 240 def self.list_subs(mail_domain, podling=false, list_subs=false) self.list_subscribers(mail_domain, podling, list_subs, true) end
for a mail domain, extract related lists and their subscribers (default only the count) also returns the time when the data was last checked N.B. excludes known archivers For top-level lists, the mail_domain is either:
the full list name (e.g. press), or:
the list prefix (e.g. legal)
If podling==true, then also check for old-style podling names If list_subs
==true, return subscriber emails else sub count Matches: {mail_domain}*{mail_domain}(-.*)? (e.g. press, legal){mail_domain}-.* (if podling==true) Returns: {list}@{dom}
# File lib/whimsy/asf/mlist.rb, line 203 def self.list_subscribers(mail_domain, _podling=false, list_subs=false, skip_archivers=false) subscribers = {} list_parse('sub') do |dom, list, subs| # drop infra test lists next if list =~ /^infra-[a-z]$/ next if dom == '' && list =~ /^infra-dev2?$/ # normal tlp style: #/home/apmail/lists/ # does the list match our target? next unless matches_list?(mail_domain, dom, list) if skip_archivers subscribers["#{list}@#{dom}"] = list_subs ? subs.reject {|sub| is_archiver?(sub)}.sort : subs.reject {|sub| is_archiver?(sub)}.size else subscribers["#{list}@#{dom}"] = list_subs ? subs.sort : subs.size end end return subscribers.to_h, File.mtime(LIST_TIME) end
for a mail domain, extract related lists and their subscribers (default only the count) also returns the time when the data was last checked N.B. by default includes archivers as subscribers For top-level lists, the mail_domain is either:
the full list name (e.g. press), or:
the list prefix (e.g. legal)
If podling==true, then also check for old-style podling names If list_subs
==true, return subscriber emails else sub count If skip_archivers==true, exclude archivers Matches: {mail_domain}*{mail_domain}(-.*)? (e.g. press, legal){mail_domain}-.* (if podling==true) Returns: {list}@{dom}
# File lib/whimsy/asf/mlist.rb, line 245 def self.list_time File.mtime(LIST_TIME) end
returns the list time
# File lib/whimsy/asf/mlist.rb, line 257 def self.list_types(show_all=false) list_archivers do |dom, list, subs| types = {} subs.each do |sub| type = sub[2] types[type] = 1 unless %w(alias direct).include? type end type = types.keys.sort.join(',') yield [dom, list, type] if show_all || type == 'public' end end
return the [domain, list, types=public|private|…] for all entries in the subscriber listings the subscribers are not included
# File lib/whimsy/asf/mlist.rb, line 157 def self.matches_list?(mail_domain, dom, list) # normal tlp style (now also podlings): #/home/apmail/lists/ #Apache lists (e.g. some non-PMCs) #/home/apmail/lists/ return "#{mail_domain}" == dom || (dom == '' && (list == mail_domain || list.start_with?("#{mail_domain}-")) ) || "#{list}@#{dom}" == mail_domain # e.g. end
helper function for matching against mod and subs entries does the target mail_domain match the current list?
# File lib/whimsy/asf/mlist.rb, line 40 def self.members_notify_subscribers(archivers=true) return list_filter('sub', '', 'members-notify', archivers), File.mtime(LIST_TIME) end
Return an array of members-notify@ subscribers followed by the file update time
# File lib/whimsy/asf/mlist.rb, line 35 def self.members_subscribers(archivers=true) return list_filter('sub', '', 'members', archivers), File.mtime(LIST_TIME) end
Return an array of members@ subscribers followed by the file update time
# File lib/whimsy/asf/mlist.rb, line 143 def self.moderates(user_emails, response = {}) response[:moderates] = {} response[:modtime] = File.mtime(LIST_TIME) umails = {|m| ASF::Mail.to_canonical(m.downcase)} # outside loop list_parse('mod') do |dom, list, emails| matching = {|m| umails.include? ASF::Mail.to_canonical(m.downcase)} response[:moderates]["#{list}@#{dom}"] = matching unless matching.empty? end response end
return the mailing lists which are moderated by any of the list of emails the following keys are added to the response hash: :modtime - the timestamp when the data was last updated :moderates - a hash. key: list name; entry: array of emails that match a moderator for the list N.B. not the same format as the subscriptions() method
# File lib/whimsy/asf/mlist.rb, line 296 def self.parse_markers hash = {|h,k| h[k] =}, 'list-modsub')).each do |line| hash[line.chomp][:modsub] = 1 end, 'list-modpost')).each do |line| hash[line.chomp][:modpost] = 1 end, 'list-remote')).each do |line| hash[line.chomp][:remote] = 1 end hash end
Parse the marker files: modpost, modsub, remote Return hash: key=“domain list”, value=hash containing :modsub, :modpost, :remote if the list has the corresponding file BETA: API may change!
# File lib/whimsy/asf/mlist.rb, line 61 def self.private_subscribers(pmc, archivers=false) return [] unless Dir.exist? LIST_BASE parts = pmc.split('@', 3) # want to detect trailing '@' if parts.length == 1 dom = "#{pmc}" list = 'private' elsif parts.length == 2 && %w{}.include?(parts[1]) dom = parts[1] list = parts[0] else raise "Unexpected parameter: #{pmc}" end subs = list_filter('sub', dom, list, archivers) digs = list_filter('digest', dom, list, archivers) if subs.nil? subs = digs # may also be nil elsif !digs.nil? # i.e. neither nil, so merge subs = (subs + digs).uniq end return subs, File.mtime(LIST_TIME) end
Return an array of private@pmc subscribers (including digests) followed by the file update time Returns nil if the subs file does not exist By default does not return the standard archivers pmc can either be a pmc name, in which case it uses private@<pmc> or it can be an ASF
list name, e.g.
# File lib/whimsy/asf/mlist.rb, line 84 def self.security_subscribers(pmc, archivers=false) return [] unless Dir.exist? LIST_BASE subs = list_filter('sub', "#{pmc}", 'security', archivers) digs = list_filter('digest', "#{pmc}", 'security', archivers) if subs.nil? subs = digs # may also be nil elsif !digs.nil? # i.e. neither nil, so merge subs = (subs + digs).uniq end return subs, File.mtime(LIST_TIME) end
Return security subscribers (including digests)
# File lib/whimsy/asf/mlist.rb, line 45 def self.sub_digest(dom, list, archivers=false) subs = list_filter('sub', dom, list, archivers) digs = list_filter('digest', dom, list, archivers) if subs.nil? subs = digs # may also be nil elsif !digs.nil? # i.e. neither nil, so merge subs = (subs + digs).uniq end return subs, File.mtime(LIST_TIME) end
Intended for checking who sees emails on the list
# File lib/whimsy/asf/mlist.rb, line 101 def self.subscriptions(emails, response = {}) response[:subscriptions] = [] response[:subtime] = File.mtime(LIST_TIME) emailslc = {|email| ASF::Mail.to_canonical(email.downcase)} list_parse('sub') do |dom, list, subs| subs.each do |sub| if emailslc.include? ASF::Mail.to_canonical(sub.downcase) response[:subscriptions] << ["#{list}@#{dom}", sub] end end end response end
return a hash of subscriptions for the list of emails provided the following keys are added to the response hash: :subtime - the timestamp when the data was last updated :subscriptions - an array of pairs: [list name, subscriber email] N.B. not the same format as the moderates() method