class ASF::Committer
Manage committers: list, add, and remove people not only from the list of people, but from the list of committers.
Public Class Methods
# File lib/whimsy/asf/ldap.rb, line 616 def self.create(attrs) # add person to LDAP person = ASF::Person.add(attrs) # add person to committers lists register(person) # return new person person end
create a new person and add as a new committer to LDAP
. Attrs must include uid, cn, and mail
# File lib/whimsy/asf/ldap.rb, line 701 def self.deregister(person) if person.instance_of? String id = person # save for use in error message person = ASF::Person[person] or raise"Cannot find person: '#{id}'") end # remove person from 'legacy' committers list ASF::Group['committers'].remove(person) # remove person from 'new' committers list ASF::LDAP.modify("cn=committers,#{@base}", [ASF::Base.mod_delete('member', [person.dn])]) end
deregister an existing person as a committer updates both committer LDAP
# File lib/whimsy/asf/ldap.rb, line 668 def self.destroy(person) # if person is a string, find the person object person = ASF::Person.find(person) if person.instance_of? String # remove person from 'legacy' committers list, ignoring exceptions ASF::Group['committers'].remove(person) rescue nil # remove person from 'new' committers list, ignoring exceptions ASF::LDAP.modify("cn=committers,#{@base}", [ASF::Base.mod_delete('member', [person.dn])]) rescue nil # remove person from LDAP (should almost never be done) ASF::Person.remove( end
completely remove a committer from LDAP
** DO NOT USE ** In almost all cases, use deregister instead
# File lib/whimsy/asf/ldap.rb, line 603 def self.list ASF.search_one(base, 'cn=committers', 'member').flatten. map {|uid| Person.find uid[/uid=(.*?),/, 1]} end
get a list of committers
# File lib/whimsy/asf/ldap.rb, line 609 def self.listids ASF.search_one(base, 'cn=committers', 'member').flatten. map {|uid| uid[/uid=(.*?),/, 1]} end
get a list of committers (ids only)
# File lib/whimsy/asf/ldap.rb, line 685 def self.register(person) if person.instance_of? String id = person # save for use in error message person = ASF::Person[person] or raise"Cannot find person: '#{id}'") end # add person to 'new' committers list ASF::LDAP.modify("cn=committers,#{@base}", [ASF::Base.mod_add('member', [person.dn])]) # add person to 'legacy' committers list ASF::Group['committers'].add(person) end
register an existing person as a committer updates both committer LDAP
Public Instance Methods
# File lib/whimsy/asf/ldap.rb, line 628 def rename(newid, attrs={}) # ensure person exists in LDAP raise ArgumentError( unless self.dn # create a new person/committer (this should create new uid/gid numbers, if not overridden) new_person = ASF::Committer.create(self.attrs.merge(attrs).merge(uid: newid)) # determine what groups the individual is a member of uid_groups = ASF.search_subtree('dc=apache,dc=org', "memberUid=#{}", 'dn').flatten dn_groups = ASF.search_subtree('dc=apache,dc=org', "member=#{self.dn}", 'dn').flatten # add new user to all groups uid_groups.each do |dn| ASF::LDAP.modify(dn, [ASF::Base.mod_add('memberUid',]) end dn_groups.each do |dn| ASF::LDAP.modify(dn, [ASF::Base.mod_add('member', new_person.dn)]) end # remove original user from all groups uid_groups.each do |dn| ASF::LDAP.modify(dn, [ASF::Base.mod_delete('memberUid',]) end dn_groups.each do |dn| ASF::LDAP.modify(dn, [ASF::Base.mod_delete('member', self.dn)]) end # remove original user # TODO: the old entry should probably be disabled instead, to avoid reuse of uid/gid ASF::Person.remove( # return new user new_person end
rename a person/committer