Apache Corporate Organization Chart

About This Script

The ASF is a 501C3 non-profit corporation in the US - and there's a lot going on the corporate side of the ASF, to keep the corporate records and infrastructure that the many Apache projects you use working.

Below is a listing of the officers and people who make the corporate side of the ASF work. Here are a few more links that explain how corporate governance works at the ASF, which is separate from how Apache PMCs work.

Vice Chair - Justin Mclean

Who this role reports to (the board, another officer, etc.) board
Mailing list for questions board@apache.org
Board resolution originally creating or updating role https://www.apache.org/foundation/bylaws.html#6.2
Justin Mclean
  • Comments

  • “…shall, in the absence or disability of the Board Chair, perform the duties and exercise the powers of the Board Chair… (and) perform whatever duties and have whatever powers the Board of Directors may from time to time assign him/her”

  • Tasks

  • Historically the Vice Chair has often been a backup to stand-in for an absent Board Chair at board or member’s meetings, to serve as the Chair of the meeting and ensure the agenda is updated and such tasks.

    The Vice Chair may be called on for other tasks as well, like working with our VP, Marketing & Publicity when a spokesperson or interview subject is needed, or any other such duties as each year’s board may assign from time to time.