Apache Corporate Organization Chart

About This Script

The ASF is a 501C3 non-profit corporation in the US - and there's a lot going on the corporate side of the ASF, to keep the corporate records and infrastructure that the many Apache projects you use working.

Below is a listing of the officers and people who make the corporate side of the ASF work. Here are a few more links that explain how corporate governance works at the ASF, which is separate from how Apache PMCs work.

Executive Vice President - David Nalley

Who this role reports to (the board, another officer, etc.) board, president
Board resolution originally creating or updating role http://www.apache.org/foundation/bylaws#officers
David Nalley
  • Formal duties

  • Executive Vice President… shall, in the absence or disability of the President, perform the duties and exercise the powers of the President…

  • Goals

  • Assist President and coordinate specific corporate operational areas as assigned by the President with relevant VPs.

  • Tasks

    • Assist President with overseeing corporate operations; serve as backup.
  • Comments

  • The EVP duties are, briefly, to serve as a backup for the President when needed, and to do whatever tasks the President sees fit to delegate. Informally, the EVP also serves as a sounding board for the President.

    Note that the EVP can be used as a stand-in in some cases for the Board Chair/President when we have external interview requests.