module YamlFile
YAML file support
Public Class Methods
# File lib/whimsy/asf/yaml.rb, line 105 def, *args), File::RDONLY) do |file| file.flock(File::LOCK_SH) if args.empty? yaml = YAML.safe_load(, permitted_classes: [Symbol]) else yaml = YAML.safe_load(, *args) end if block_given? yield yaml else return yaml end end end
encapsulate reading a YAML file Opens the file read-only, with a shared lock, and parses the YAML This is yielded to the block (if provided), whilst holding the lock Otherwise the YAML is returned to the caller, and the lock is released The args are passed to YAML.safe_load, and default to permitted_classes: [Symbol]
# File lib/whimsy/asf/yaml.rb, line 42 def self.replace_section(content, key, *args) raise ArgumentError, 'block is required' unless block_given? if args.empty? yaml = YAML.safe_load(content, permitted_classes: [Symbol]) else yaml = YAML.safe_load(content, *args) end section = yaml[key] unless section raise ArgumentError, "Could not find section #{key.inspect}" end res = yield(section, yaml) # get the updated JSON return nil if res.nil? # i.e. don't update text output = content.dup # don't mutate caller data # Create the updated section with the correct indentation # Use YAML dump to ensure correct syntax; drop the YAML header new_section = YAML.dump({key => res}).sub(/\A---\n/, '') # replace the old section with the new one # assume it is delimited by the key and '...' or another key. # Keys may be symbols. Only handles top-level key matching. range = %r{^#{Regexp.escape(key.inspect)}:\s*$.*?(?=^(:?\w+:|\.\.\.)$)}m output[range] = new_section output end
replace a section of YAML text whilst preserving surrounding data including comments. The args are passed to YAML.safe_load, and default to permitted_classes: [Symbol] The caller must provide a block, which is passed two JSON parameters:
the section related to the key
the entire file (this is for validation purposes)
Returns the updated text. If the block returns nil, returns nil so the caller can skip the file update
# File lib/whimsy/asf/yaml.rb, line 18 def self.update(yaml_file, *args), File::RDWR|File::CREAT, 0o644) do |file| file.flock(File::LOCK_EX) if args.empty? yaml = YAML.safe_load(, permitted_classes: [Symbol]) || {} else yaml = YAML.safe_load(, *args) || {} end output = yield yaml unless output.nil? file.rewind file.write YAML.dump(output) file.truncate(file.pos) end end end
encapsulate updates to a YAML file opens the file for exclusive access with an exclusive lock, creating the file if necessary Yields the parsed YAML to the block, and writes the return data to the file; if the block returns nil, the file will not be updated The args are passed to YAML.safe_load, and default to permitted_classes: [Symbol]
# File lib/whimsy/asf/yaml.rb, line 82 def self.update_section(yaml_file, key, *args, &block) raise ArgumentError, 'block is required' unless block_given?, File::RDWR) do |file| file.flock(File::LOCK_EX) content = replace_section(, key, *args, &block) unless content.nil? # rewrite the file file.rewind file.write content file.truncate(file.pos) end end end
encapsulate updates to a section of a YAML file whilst preserving surrounding data including comments. opens the file for exclusive access Yields the parsed YAML to the block, and writes the updated data to the file The args are passed to YAML.safe_load, and default to permitted_classes: [Symbol]
- originally designed for updating committee-info.yaml