module ASFString
This addon must be required before use
Public Class Methods
# File lib/whimsy/asf/string-utils.rb, line 60 def self.fix_encoding(text) if text.encoding == Encoding::BINARY return text.encode('utf-8', invalid: :replace, undef: :replace) end return text end
fix encoding errors
# File lib/whimsy/asf/string-utils.rb, line 32 def self.mreplace(text, regexp, &block) matches = [] off = 0 while text[off..-1] =~ regexp matches << [off, $~] off += $~.end($~.size - 1) end raise 'unmatched' if matches.empty? matches.reverse.each do |offset, match| slice = text[offset...-1] send = (1...match.size).map {|i| slice[match.begin(i)...match.end(i)]} if send.length == 1 recv = text[offset + match.begin(1)...offset + match.end(1)] = recv else recv =*send) next unless recv (1...match.size).map {|i| [match.begin(i), match.end(i), i - 1]}.sort. reverse.each do |start, fin, i| text[offset + start...offset + fin] = recv[i] end end end text end
replace matched expressions with the result of the block being called
# File lib/whimsy/asf/string-utils.rb, line 23 def self.reflow(text, indent=4, len=80) text.strip.split(/\n\s*\n/).map {|line| line.gsub!(/\s+/, ' ') line.strip! word_wrap(line, len - indent).gsub(/^/, ' ' * indent) }.join("\n\n") end
reflow an indented block indent = number of spaces to indent by (default 4) len = length of line including the indent (default 80)
# File lib/whimsy/asf/string-utils.rb, line 10 def self.word_wrap(text, line_width=80) text.split("\n").collect do |line| if line.length > line_width line.gsub(/(.{1,#{line_width}})(\s+|$)/, "\\1\n").strip else line end end * "\n" end
wrap a text block containing long lines